

如果“太空艺术”的定义是一种人类通过想象力,用绘画或数字媒体为创作方法来描绘并探索太空的艺术形式,那么“航天艺术”则可被定义为一种寻求与外太空直接互动的艺术。 之前的艺术家从未将火箭视为作品的一部分,而只是将其作为一种将作品送往现场的运输工具。“徐冰天书号”将火箭本身视作作品的重要部分,历史上,徐冰也是第一个将火箭本身及它整体的运作过程设想为具有多面性的当代艺术品的艺术家。徐冰以其激进而有条理的思维方式,通过理解其各种表述的意义、本质和可能性,一定程度上对“航天艺术”进行了全新的探索。
If Space Art defines an art form that depicts and explores space through imagination, in painting, or using digital media, astronautical art determines an art that seeks to interact directly with outer space. The previous artists never considered the rocket as a part of the work but only as a vehicle to transport artworks into outer space. “Xu Bing Tianshu” changed space art in its foundations in considering the rocket as an essential part of the work. He conceived as the first artist in history the rocket itself, its operations and entire process, as an artwork with multiple faces. With his radical and methodical mindset, Xu Bing explored astronautical art by understanding the meaning, essence and possible scope of its various articulations. “Xu Bing Tianshu” became something much more than an artwork. It became a statement about the world, engaging multiple viewpoints, of the visible and the invisible. But with a total perspective. Xu Bing conceptually and practically merged the highest level of result-oriented and intelligible science with the articulated unintelligibility of art. The first representing logic and praxis, the second questioning it through its own conceptual unintelligibility. In this lecture, Senior Curator and Senior Researcher of Red Brick Art Museum Jonas Stampe will analyze “Xu Bing Tianshu” Rocket, a work that he means has deeply impacted Space Art, as well as the milestone exhibition “Xu Bing: Art Beyond the Karman Line”. Through the discussion, we hope to stimulate new explorations and thinkings in this new field of art.  
讲者简介 乔纳斯·斯坦普(Jonas Stampe),艺术史学家、艺评家、国际策展人。1965年出生于瑞典哥德堡市,他曾在法国巴黎高等社会科学院和瑞典德隆大学学习当代艺术史和理论,并定居法国25年。他从2001年起就在欧美不同国家组织策划了近60个行为艺术节与展览。2017年,他加盟北京红砖美术馆,任高级策展人及资深研究员。 Read all
主讲人:乔纳斯·斯坦普 Speaker:Jonas Stampe 语言:中文、英文 Language: Chinese, English 时间:2022年3月19日14:00-16:00 Date and Time: March 19, 2022, 14:00-16:00 pm 地点:红砖美术馆多功能厅 Venue: Red Brick Art Museum, Auditorium 主办:红砖美术馆 Organised by: Red Brick Art Museum