Nobody Cares – Li Wei Solo Exhibition

Red Brick Art Museum is honored to present Li Wei’s new solo exhibition :” Nobody Cares ” opening on the 22nd Aug 2015 at Red Brick Art Museum. The exhibition would be on for one month.

Li Wei is an avant guard artist who always keeps himself alert and sensitive. To act of questioning is the principle thread of his creative work over the years,through which he examines the cruelty and indifference of humanity. in the work “Chorus” , beneath the heavy make up and gaudy showiness lies only a numbing sense of disconnect and embarrassment. In ” ICU ” ,the visual display of suffering of the sick and weak evokes an unsettling sense of disturbance and weight, through which the artist reflects upon the meaning of existence, life and death.

” Nobody Cares ” : in this age of social networking,everyone acts as ” friends ” without the real care needed in the old fashion sense of word. We are both the observer and the participant, watching the world go by nonchalantly from a safe distance. We play our different roles with different strategies. But in fact we don‘t really care.

” Li Wei would often place himself as somebody else, however, being somebody else is not an easy thing to do, by applying this difficult and clumsy technique, he tries to enact the consciousness of everybody else entirely. His perception of the world also comes from this technique, he believes that the human factor is the root of all problems we face, all the misery and catastrophe, even as we sit down to eat ameal – a function in our everyday life, it is also ridden with desperation. I don’t believe that he feels this way because he lives in a unique land called China, and I too believe this is a problem we all face as human beings.

I think what’s so interesting about Li Wei, is that whilst creating no obstacles, he would never let go of an opportunity to conduct a test. It is my impression that exhibits a lot of elaborate narrations and descriptions in contemporary art, diffused essays can maybe give the audience a peep into the works of the artists. The language used by Li Wei are mostly unadorned, in his opinion, this is a ” collective memory of all human ” . ” Memory recognize no class distinctions,therefore, they are relatively equal.” In his own view, the reasons behind what he is doing are more interesting than the action itself. ” – excerpt from Bernard Vizta

Li Wei speaks his mind and acts his heart without fear of being judged by anyone. The tittles of his work are latent with doubts and ironies for humanity. For example:” The Hollow man”, ” Hero “,” Confessional “, ” Thank God “, or we can say: “ The hollow man hero in the confessional to thank god, but nobody cares.”

Li Wei

Born in Beijing, China
2007 Graduated from the Third Studio of the Sculpture Department of CAFA, Bachelor’s Degree.
Now livingand working in Beijing.

Solo Exhibitions

2015 Nobody Cares, Red Brick Art Museum, Beijing, China
2014 Peace,Primo Marella Gallery, Milan, Italy
2013 Thank God, Gallery Yang, Beijing, China
Confessional, A2Z Art Gallery, Paris,France
2011 Hero, Today Art Museum, Beijing,China
2010 Unpeaceful Christmas Eve – “A Block Of Cake”, Copy Café, Beijing, China
2009 The Hollow Men, Hanmo Art Gallery, Beijing, China

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Li Wei

Exhibition period:
22nd August 2015 – 22nd September 2015

22nd August 2015 3:00pm

Red Brick Art Museum


Red Brick Art Museum (Hegezhuang,Cuigezhuang Village , Chaoyang District, Beijing)